1.2. Quantum Revolution
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1.2. Quantum Revolution
Use the future to build the present
Quantum Revolution
Stakeholder Type
1.1Advanced AI1.2QuantumRevolution1.3UnconventionalComputing1.4AugmentedReality1.5CollectiveIntelligence2.1CognitiveEnhancement2.2HumanApplicationsof GeneticEngineering2.3HealthspanExtension2.4ConsciousnessAugmentation2.5Organoids2.6FutureTherapeutics3.1Decarbonisation3.2EarthSystemsModelling3.3FutureFoodSystems3.4SpaceResources3.5OceanStewardship3.6SolarRadiationModification3.7InfectiousDiseases4.1Science-basedDiplomacy4.2Advancesin ScienceDiplomacy4.3Foresight,Prediction,and FuturesLiteracy4.4Democracy-affirmingTechnologies5.1ComplexSystemsScience5.2Futureof Education5.3Future Economics,Trade andGlobalisation5.4The Scienceof theOrigins of Life5.5SyntheticBiology
1.1Advanced AI1.2QuantumRevolution1.3UnconventionalComputing1.4AugmentedReality1.5CollectiveIntelligence2.1CognitiveEnhancement2.2HumanApplicationsof GeneticEngineering2.3HealthspanExtension2.4ConsciousnessAugmentation2.5Organoids2.6FutureTherapeutics3.1Decarbonisation3.2EarthSystemsModelling3.3FutureFoodSystems3.4SpaceResources3.5OceanStewardship3.6SolarRadiationModification3.7InfectiousDiseases4.1Science-basedDiplomacy4.2Advancesin ScienceDiplomacy4.3Foresight,Prediction,and FuturesLiteracy4.4Democracy-affirmingTechnologies5.1ComplexSystemsScience5.2Futureof Education5.3Future Economics,Trade andGlobalisation5.4The Scienceof theOrigins of Life5.5SyntheticBiology

Emerging Topic:

1.2Quantum Revolution

    Associated Sub-Fields

    Systems made up of subatomic particles like electrons and photons are subject to physical laws unlike the ones we are familiar with. Quantum technologies make use of two phenomena unique to such quantum systems. One is “superposition”, where a quantum entity’s physical properties remain undefined until they are measured, creating an entirely novel mechanism for encoding information. The other is “entanglement”, where quantum entities have intertwined properties that mean action on one entity instantly affect the outcome of future actions on its entangled twin, even when they are physically separated. 

    These phenomena allow cryptographic keys to be shared securely over hundreds of kilometres, quantum computers to solve classically intractable problems and quantum sensors to make measurements of unprecedented precision. These technologies are still under development, but already pose challenges: for example, we can confidently anticipate that future quantum computers will be able to crack most of the encryption techniques currently used to secure communications and data. More speculatively, it has been suggested that quantum phenomena might play a role in processes such as the functions of biological systems, which if confirmed would raise the prospect of unanticipated new technologies.

    Selection of GESDA Best Reads and key reports

    In July 2023, renowned institutions, including CERN and IBM, produced Quantum Computing for High-Energy Physics: State of the Art and Challenges. Summary of the QC4HEP Working Group, offering a roadmap on the state of quantum computing within high-energy physics and highlighting the IBM 100 x 100 challenge. In another notable report entitled Disentangling Hype from Practicality: On Realistically Achieving Quantum Advantage, a Team of Microsoft researchers shed light on the true potential and challenges of achieving quantum advantage, with special attention to areas like material science and chemistry. An international collaboration with researchers from the US, Germany, Canada and Austria published Drug design on quantum computers in January 2023, underscoring the revolutionary prospects and hurdles of employing quantum computers in pharmaceutical research.

    Emerging Topic:

    Anticipation Potential

    Quantum Revolution


    Quantum Communication
    Quantum Computing
    Quantum Sensing and Imaging
    Quantum Foundations
    Few emerging disciplines have received more attention in recent years than quantum technologies, with many countries, companies and researchers producing roadmaps of the future of the field. Much of the focus has been on quantum computing so, despite its undeniably disruptive potential and the years it will take to reach maturity, much of the anticipatory work is already underway. In contrast, foundational quantum discoveries with major impact on other fields such as biology or neurosciences have received little attention so far. Major breakthroughs in this area are not expected for many years making it hard to assess their disruptive potential, but this uncertainty and the field's low visibility suggests it is one worth paying more attention to.

    GESDA Best Reads and Key Resources


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