Synthetic Biology
Stakeholder Type

Synthetic Biology


Emerging Topic

Synthetic Biology

Synthetic biology is a set of emerging technologies enabling the modification and creation of living cells and organisms, and of their building blocks. It promises breakthroughs in fundamental biology and has possible applications in a range of fields such as nutrition, fighting antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and engineering.1

Synthetic biology operates on multiple scales, from molecules to multicellular organisms to whole ecosystems.2 At the smallest scale, we can manufacture novel molecules and materials that do not exist in nature. Non-living materials may be imbued with properties of living organisms, such as self-repair.3 Alternatively, micro-organisms can be engineered to produce desirable molecules, for instance by genome synthesis or directed evolution.

At the level of cells, artificial versions of key biomolecules such as nucleic acids can be synthesised and introduced into the genomes of microorganisms.4 Other engineered cells can be used as biosensors, for instance to detect threats,5 to produce other useful chemicals or to break down harmful ones such as pollutants. They can also be induced to form tissues and organs, which could be used in place of transplants.6

Multicellular organisms can be modified using genome synthesis editing. There have also been preliminary attempts to create wholly artificial multicellular organisms.7

Given its wide-ranging applications, there is a need for synthetic biology to be developed alongside ethical and societal expertise in order to shape how and why decisions are being made, and for whom.

Key takeaways

Synthetic iology enables the creation and modification of living organisms, and of their molecular building blocks. The field is advancing rapidly. In Fundamental synthetic biology, faster and better genome editing and other technologies are enabling the development of heavily modified organisms. The potential applications of synthetic biology are immensely varied. For example, there is considerable potential to improve Manufacturing, industry and agriculture. Synthetic biology enables new technologies such as bioelectronics and the creation of new materials. Bioplastics created from living organisms could replace at least some plastics from fossil fuels. Synthetic pesticides and gene drives may reduce crop losses and also cut costs. In Medicine and health synthetic biology can help to develop genetic therapies for inherited diseases, to engineer new medicines and to design new cancer therapies. Finally, there are emerging applications in Energy, climate and conservation. These include engineering at-risk organisms to be more resilient against environmental change and using micro-organisms to produce zero-carbon fuels such as green hydrogen. Because of the potential risks to humans and ecosystems, there is an urgent need to develop security measurements for synthetic biology.

Emerging Topic:

Anticipation Potential

Synthetic Biology


Fundamental synthetic biomolecules
Manufacturing, industry and agriculture
Medicine and health
Energy, climate and conservation
Understanding the origin of life is an enormously challenging, multi-dimensional problem. But progress is being made, with experts predicting breakthroughs in the next 10-15 years. The anticipation scores in this field are mainly driven by the need for interdisciplinary research and the relatively low awareness of topics like geological evidence gathering and the low rated impact of breakthroughs in this area on our society.

Anticipatory Impact:

Three fundamental questions guide GESDA’s mission and drive its work: Who are we, as humans? How can we all live together? How can we ensure the well-being of humankind and the sustainable future of our planet? We asked researchers from the field to anticipate what impact future breakthroughs could have on each of these dimensions. This wheel summarises their opinions when considering each of these questions, with a higher score indicating high anticipated impact, and vice versa.

  • Anticipated impact on who we are as humans
  • Anticipated impact on how we will all live together
  • Anticipated impact on the well-being of humankind and sustainable future of our planet