2.2.2. Next generation editors and delivery
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2.2.2. Next generation editors and delivery
Use the future to build the present
Next generation editors and delivery
Stakeholder Type
1.1Advanced AI1.2QuantumRevolution1.3UnconventionalComputing1.4AugmentedReality1.5CollectiveIntelligence2.1CognitiveEnhancement2.2HumanApplicationsof GeneticEngineering2.3HealthspanExtension2.4ConsciousnessAugmentation2.5Organoids2.6FutureTherapeutics3.1Decarbonisation3.2EarthSystemsModelling3.3FutureFoodSystems3.4SpaceResources3.5OceanStewardship3.6SolarRadiationModification3.7InfectiousDiseases4.1Science-basedDiplomacy4.2Advancesin ScienceDiplomacy4.3Foresight,Prediction,and FuturesLiteracy4.4Democracy-affirmingTechnologies5.1ComplexSystemsScience5.2Futureof Education5.3Future Economics,Trade andGlobalisation5.4The Scienceof theOrigins of Life5.5SyntheticBiology
1.1Advanced AI1.2QuantumRevolution1.3UnconventionalComputing1.4AugmentedReality1.5CollectiveIntelligence2.1CognitiveEnhancement2.2HumanApplicationsof GeneticEngineering2.3HealthspanExtension2.4ConsciousnessAugmentation2.5Organoids2.6FutureTherapeutics3.1Decarbonisation3.2EarthSystemsModelling3.3FutureFoodSystems3.4SpaceResources3.5OceanStewardship3.6SolarRadiationModification3.7InfectiousDiseases4.1Science-basedDiplomacy4.2Advancesin ScienceDiplomacy4.3Foresight,Prediction,and FuturesLiteracy4.4Democracy-affirmingTechnologies5.1ComplexSystemsScience5.2Futureof Education5.3Future Economics,Trade andGlobalisation5.4The Scienceof theOrigins of Life5.5SyntheticBiology


2.2.2Next generation editors and delivery

    CRISPR-Cas9 is now the most widely used gene editing technology in the world, and has been successful in trials treating blood diseases, cancers, and eye diseases.13 It is not clear that these successes will transfer to other tissues, however; muscular diseases, for example, are system-wide, so treatment requires potentially problematic high doses of the editor in order to reach all the relevant tissues.

    Alternative genome editing systems, such as zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) systems and transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN) systems, are being explored (although they suffer from some of the same issues),14 and CRISPR can be augmented with other helpers including transposons.1516 Higher-precision editing is possible using base editing and prime editing, two recently developed approaches.17

    Today, viral delivery is the method of choice for living organisms. Of the nearly 300 clinical trials worldwide underway with viral-vector-based gene therapies, about half use modified adeno-associated viruses (AAVs). These can target a wide range of tissues, but AAVs can be too small to deliver the needed quantity of editing payload. This necessitates using huge amounts, which can trigger dangerous immune responses; efforts are underway to re-engineer AAV to be bigger and/or evade immune response.

    Nonviral delivery has become an increasingly viable alternative, thanks to rapid progress in the use of lipid, polymer, extracellular vesicles, and inorganic nanoparticle-based delivery systems.18 Physical methods, including electroporation (where an electrical pulse is used to create temporary pores in cell membranes), are promising but not yet scalable.

    Future Horizons:



    Ex vivo and in vivo therapies advance

    Several large-scale stage-III clinical trials for ex vivo therapies take place, with a number of therapeutics approved and commercially licensed.1920 Early-stage clinical trials of in vivo editing techniques, targeting easily accessible tissues such as the eye, or the liver, show results. In vivo therapies move to experimental clinics. CRISPR corrects for mitochondrial genetic disease in IVF procedures. Next-generation genome editors appear on the stage.


    Safer germline editing blurs boundaries between therapy and prevention

    Researchers engineer delivery techniques to address size and immune response: engineered AAV vectors deliver working genes to cells more efficiently, reducing the need for large doses, reducing cost. Haemophilia and macular degeneration are successfully treated with gene therapy.21 Trials commence using next-generation base and prime editors for polygenic diseases including heart disease and obesity. Heritable gene editing begins to gain limited acceptance, although not everywhere, as a consequence of successful somatic techniques and preclinical safety data.


    Polygenic editing erodes boundaries between therapy and enhancement

    In vitro derived gametes can be edited safely before implantation. Many forms of gene editing are mainstream. It becomes possible to engineer radiation resistance, chemical warfare, and infectious diseases by altering single genes, enabling military applications as well as casual space travel. We use gene technologies to correct, slow down or even reverse processes linked to premature ageing to increase healthspan. A sleep-shortening gene is the first popular enhancement. Up- and down-regulating some specific genetic elements enhances some aspects of cognition.

    Next generation editors and delivery - Anticipation Scores

    How the experts see this field in terms of the expected time to maturity, transformational effect across science and industries, current state of awareness among stakeholders and its possible impact on people, society and the planet. See methodology for more information.

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