Future Horizons:
CI applications grow
Deliberative democracy becomes widespread
Crowdsourcing information or small chunks of work from large numbers of people can tackle challenges as varied as training AI to predicting floods.8 Citizen-science projects engage the general public to help scientists collect and analyse data. Open innovation platforms like Kaggle and InnoCentive let companies outsource engineering challenges to independent experts. Deliberative democracy is involving everyday citizens in political decision-making in countries.9
New tools for gathering and visualising data, and open-source repositories of information and tools, are helping enhance the CI of large groups. AI is also playing a growing role in facilitating CI by filtering and summarising complex data, organising human knowledge, helping to connect experts and optimising deliberative processes.10 Powerful large language models (LLMs) are opening up the prospect of AI acting as a facilitator to coordinate group discussions at massive scale.11 The advent of AI agents that can operate autonomously is driving efforts to understand and exploit the CI of human-AI groups.12
While CI has shown promise for generating novel solutions, existing decision-making processes are often too slow and inflexible to take full advantage. This is leading to a growing focus on designing organisations and institutions that promote and harness CI to help with multiple aspects of, and approaches to, thought at scale — including observation, interpretation, memory, prediction and creativity.13 AI could help here too, suggesting the best organisational set-up for specific problems.14 Decentralisation technologies like blockchain and quadratic voting also open up avenues for enhancing CI by helping run organisations in a distributed and non-hierarchical fashion.15
Large-scale collaboration - Anticipation Scores
The Anticipation Potential of a research field is determined by the capacity for impactful action in the present, considering possible future transformative breakthroughs in a field over a 25-year outlook. A field with a high Anticipation Potential, therefore, combines the potential range of future transformative possibilities engendered by a research area with a wide field of opportunities for action in the present. We asked researchers in the field to anticipate:
- The uncertainty related to future science breakthroughs in the field
- The transformative effect anticipated breakthroughs may have on research and society
- The scope for action in the present in relation to anticipated breakthroughs.
This chart represents a summary of their responses to each of these elements, which when combined, provide the Anticipation Potential for the topic. See methodology for more information.