3.6.2. Cloud engineering
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3.6.2. Cloud engineering
Use the future to build the present
Cloud engineering
Stakeholder Type
1.1Advanced AI1.2QuantumRevolution1.3UnconventionalComputing1.4AugmentedReality1.5CollectiveIntelligence2.1CognitiveEnhancement2.2HumanApplicationsof GeneticEngineering2.3HealthspanExtension2.4ConsciousnessAugmentation2.5Organoids2.6FutureTherapeutics3.1Decarbonisation3.2EarthSystemsModelling3.3FutureFoodSystems3.4SpaceResources3.5OceanStewardship3.6SolarRadiationModification3.7InfectiousDiseases4.1Science-basedDiplomacy4.2Advancesin ScienceDiplomacy4.3Foresight,Prediction,and FuturesLiteracy4.4Democracy-affirmingTechnologies5.1ComplexSystemsScience5.2Futureof Education5.3Future Economics,Trade andGlobalisation5.4The Scienceof theOrigins of Life5.5SyntheticBiology
1.1Advanced AI1.2QuantumRevolution1.3UnconventionalComputing1.4AugmentedReality1.5CollectiveIntelligence2.1CognitiveEnhancement2.2HumanApplicationsof GeneticEngineering2.3HealthspanExtension2.4ConsciousnessAugmentation2.5Organoids2.6FutureTherapeutics3.1Decarbonisation3.2EarthSystemsModelling3.3FutureFoodSystems3.4SpaceResources3.5OceanStewardship3.6SolarRadiationModification3.7InfectiousDiseases4.1Science-basedDiplomacy4.2Advancesin ScienceDiplomacy4.3Foresight,Prediction,and FuturesLiteracy4.4Democracy-affirmingTechnologies5.1ComplexSystemsScience5.2Futureof Education5.3Future Economics,Trade andGlobalisation5.4The Scienceof theOrigins of Life5.5SyntheticBiology


3.6.2Cloud engineering

    A number of SRM technologies involve altering the properties of clouds, causing the clouds to reflect more solar radiation back into space.

    Marine cloud brightening (MCB) is one form of cloud engineering. The idea is to make marine clouds reflect more solar radiation back into space, cooling the surrounding region. This would be achieved by spraying droplets of seawater into the sky, with sea salt crystals providing additional seed nuclei for water droplets to condense.16 This condensation into more droplets makes the clouds whiter and more reflective. A range of spray technologies have been considered.17

    Various researchers have also proposed thinning and dispersing high-altitude cirrus clouds, which contribute to warming by trapping a disproportionately large amount of terrestrial radiation that would otherwise escape into space.18 Injecting these clouds with particles of bismuth tri-iodide allows the formation of large ice crystals within the clouds. These large ice crystals fall out more rapidly, shortening the clouds' lifespan. Cirrus reduction can improve the transmission of long-wave terrestrial radiation into space.19

    Whereas SAI has a global effect, cloud engineering techniques produce more localised cooling, allowing them to be used in a targeted way. For instance, MCB could be used to cool major coral reefs, which suffer bleaching when water temperatures become too high.20 A field test of this has been conducted over the Great Barrier Reef, though there is no publication of the results from these experiments.21 The sea spray used may also produce a cooling effect in regions with little or no cloud, by forming reflective aerosol particles.22

    Future Horizons:



    MCB experiments are promising

    The Australian MCB experiments yield encouraging results, and result in the launch of 10-year programme to apply MCB to contribute to the protection of the Great Barrier Reef.


    Small-scale MCB begins

    We have the first prototypes of automated ships that can spray seawater for MCB. The first official small-scale use of marine cloud brightening is undertaken over endangered corals. Real-world testing of cirrus modification begins.


    MCB in regular use

    MCB is in regular use over corals and other heat-sensitive ecosystems during heatwaves.

    Cloud engineering - Anticipation Scores

    How the experts see this field in terms of the expected time to maturity, transformational effect across science and industries, current state of awareness among stakeholders and its possible impact on people, society and the planet. See methodology for more information.