Simon P. Hoerstrup
Stakeholder Type

Simon P. Hoerstrup

Simon P. Hoerstrup

Founding Co-DirectorWyss Zurich

Simon P. Hoerstrup, MD, PhD, is a physician and leader in the field of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. He is Chair and Director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine (University Zurich) and Founding Co-Director of the Wyss Zurich (University Zurich & ETH Zurich) in Switzerland. Hoerstrup is also Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the Technical University Eindhoven in the Netherlands, Associate Member of the Department of Health Science Technology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and associate faculty of the Harvard Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering in Boston (USA). His work at the interface of basic science and translational research has resulted in more than 150 peer-reviewed scientific publications and a unique patent portfolio in the field of Regenerative Medicine. Furthermore, Hoerstrup is Co-Founder of a series of medtech and biotech spin-off companies (Symetis AG, Xeltis AG, Insphero AG, etc.), and leads the recently started BioEntrepreneurship & Innovation Program at the University of Zurich. Hoerstrup leads several major scientific international consortia projects funded by the European Commission, the Swiss National Science Foundation, Commission for Technology and Innovation, etc.

Simon Hoerstrup obtained his medical and scientific education in Germany, USA and Switzerland. He was postdoctoral research fellow at Boston Children’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital, both Harvard Medical School. His main research expertise lies in the fields of tissue engineering, cell based therapies, organoid technologies and disease modelling.