A physicist, mathematician and high-school teacher by training, Mr Dessibourg became a science journalist in 2000, working for a range of newspapers and winning many scientific journalism awards. In 2004 he joined Geneva-based Le Temps, where he created the science section in 2009 with a team of four journalists and over ten freelancers. He worked as a freelancer for NewScientist in the UK and Le Monde, La Recherche and Science & Avenir in France. In 2019, he co-founded the Swiss pure-player news platform Heidi.news, which focuses on science, health and innovation, and served as its deputy editor-in-chief. As president of the Swiss Association of Science Journalism (2012–2019) and Swiss delegate to the World Federation of Science Journalists, he launched and chaired the organizing committee of around 40 people for the World Conference of Science Journalists in Lausanne in 2019. This conference attracted more than 1,300 people from 82 countries. Mr Dessibourg is the author of several books (including a recent series on personalized health), a lecturer in scientific journalism and communication, a media-training teacher, a scientific event moderator and a master of ceremony. In May 2020 he was appointed Executive Director of Science Communication and Outreach at GESDA.